Best friend is really only annoying?

- in Movies

Unattractive topic for me, but hope for advice.

Know my "Best" girlfriend for 5 years and although a certain distance separates us, that was never a problem. From the beginning we only saw each other every 1-2 months, but always for several days and we experienced a lot.

At some point we met less and less due to education and school and also the daily Whatsapp contact fell asleep. Must also admit that this was due to my schedule etc. Meanwhile, we meet again more regularly, but for about a year, it's every now again almost a horror scenario for me.

For one, I should always visit her and the train costs are really not cheap. On top of that, she does not want anything! First she makes big plans on the phone, we do this and that and then as soon as I'm there, she throws a DVD / Netflix and we gamble for hours / days (!) Just around. She is even too lazy to get up for a bottle of water, but I can be mumbled. My requests to do something else are ignored.

I'm sorry, but I can stay at home for movies too. I mean, there are not even any talks. And there's eigtl already the next problem, we have nothing more to say. So the communication just is not right anymore. I try to tell a lot, to let her take part in my life, but I also ask her a lot, not that I speak exclusively about myself. But from her come brief and short answers that stifle any issue in the bud. She completely does not share my sense of humor any more. For example, I make a joke and she just takes him by the word or argues against it. And when I explain to her that this was obviously not meant seriously, she is taken aback.

What I find most exciting is how immature and unreflective she behaves. She is 2 years older (20) and gets really nothing on her turn, her mother makes / reminds her of EVERYTHING. Best Story: She started crying recently because her mum asked her to clean up the kitchen she devastated herself?! I thought, I dream.

Have you 3 months ago regarding these things also times honestly said the opinion and also that such a friendship makes no sense and I want a break. She reacted very shocked, because she thought that everything was as it was and she found our meetings all beautiful. That annoyed me a lot, I could not buy her.

She did not accept the criticism and did not try to change something. Last meeting was also bad.

Does that sound like we just dodged each other? If so, what should I do now?

I'm grateful for any advice


You would not have had to write the long novel if you did not like it anymore, you're dissatisfied, end the friendship, you're not obliged to anything… It's that simple.


So it looks like you have to sometimes talk to you that you find it ka ***** if your best friend does nothing with you.

you can take this reason:

We do not see each other often. I'm not in the mood for it, we just mess around.

if they insist on it or if you have met again I would block them it does not matter anyway if you have little contact.


When you met, you were 13 and 15. At that age, 5 years is quite a leap in time, in which you develop and change. You obviously did not evolve in the same direction. That's a pity, but you should not try at all cost to save this friendship. You had a nice time and now it's over. You should look ahead.