Ipad Air 64 GB or 256 GB?

- in Movies

I want to get an iPad Air for private and school soon (go to Q1) and therefore wanted to know whether 64GB is enough or I should rather get 256GB. I myself tend to prefer 64 GB, as the version with 256 is quite expensive and I have to pay attention to the money.

I myself would use the iPad on the one hand for school, i.e. Word, presentations, notes and whatever else you use for school and on the other hand for reading privately, i.e. On Kindle, Wattpad and two other books, apps (one of them 500MB) and maybe still for Netflix. I wouldn't really have any more plans, so maybe download two more games, but I wouldn't load any films, series, music or photos onto it, and if so, only a few photos. Otherwise I would just surf the Internet.

Would it be enough for these purposes or would it be tight at 64GB?


64 GB is also sufficient. Got the iPad Pro and also hesitated whether I would rather take more. But it was enough. Most documents are stored in the cloud anyway