How much write after 1st meeting?

- in Movies

There's a girl who I find very interesting.

I asked her at a party if she would like to write. We wrote half an hour in the evening for two three days and met two weeks ago and it was good, we had a lot to talk about and so on.

She's still very inexperienced, never had a boyfriend or a kiss or anything. Now she was in quarantine for 2 weeks due to Corona and we last phoned Sunday last week and watched a film together on Netflix Party and wrote about the film.

How can I avoid ending up in the friend zone? Write a few words almost every day (everything is clear with you, how was your day, funny pictures…) and I also ask myself whether I should just not write for two days, because somehow I run out of topics to talk about.

But have agreed to go to a nearby amusement park together on the weekend… What do you think?

She is 19 and I'm 19


Look forward to the weekend… It takes time to get to know each other well and think about a relationship


And okay and not a bad sign to write less?


You are in regular contact, you make phone calls, you meet… Everything fits.


Yes but how do I prevent Friendzone


The thing about not writing for 2 days… Don't know, I wouldn't do it, she has to see that you are interested… Doesn't have to be a lot and not even half an hour a day, but ask, e.g. Your day was, should already be inside.


Not at all. The spark does not always jump over. But friendship can also turn into love


First get to know and show clearly what you mean to yourself. Then it usually comes by itself if it should fit.


In any case, don't let the 2 days write! So what is the turn off and it can happen that she thinks that you only want one thing

