Netflix subtitles?

- in Movies

When I watch a movie on Netflix, I can turn subtitles on or off. So far so good…

However, if only a few sentences are spoken in a different language in a film, then I always have to turn the subtitles on and off myself.

It's annoying, sometimes I have to go back a bit because I wasn't fast enough.

An example would be Captain Phillips where there are pirates who talk to each other in their own language.

There's brief subtitles on normal television that was not dubbed.

Can you stop that? Or is there just "subtitling everything"?


As far as I know, this is the case in several films / series. And it's mostly subtitled. If this is not the case, I believe it is done on purpose. In the case of the films / series where I've had it up to now, it wasn't that important either, because it didn't give me any plot gaps.