Getting an error while playing a Netflix series?

- in Movies

I was just about to continue watching the first episode, the "House of Money" series, because I started yesterday. Anyway, I hit the play icon to play the episode and then I got the following:

Getting an error while playing a Netflix series

Of course, I restarted Netflix first and then noticed that this error was also displayed on other series or films.

Maybe someone has an idea what I can do now or how I can watch the episode.


I often see that on TV. Either a buddy is watching the same thing or: I just press it 5 more times.

Usually it just works by itself.

Otherwise you can also reconnect the network, i.e. WLAN.


Ah, it happened to me the other day and it turned out that my daughter had set my age settings to FSK 13 …


I've tried the WLAN several times, but unfortunately that doesn't work either. I think I'll just try again in half an hour.


Well, I've done that a number of times, but so far haven't found a scheme how it relates.

As you say: Just click on it a few times or wait 20 minutes.

Netflix Error? - 2 Fo Fostermine
Windows error? Bl Blouseruthless