Driver for Raspberry Pi 4 on Android?

- in Movies

Hi. Are there drivers for the Raspberry Pi 4 for Android (or Lineage OS) somewhere? Without drivers you can't install Netflix and Disney + and you can't watch movies in Prime…


Here is an alternative that works reliably: Run the Raspberry Pi OS operating system and install Chromium.

Since the Raspberry Pi has an ARM processor, you need an ARM version from Widevine. Widevine is used to play DRM-protected content on Google Chrome Chrome or Chromium Browser. You get this from the Chrome OS image of the Samsung Chromebook 2 13. And this is how you proceed:

To do this, go to the Downloads folder on Raspberry Pi OS and call up the terminal from there. Enter the following command there:


Then open the recovery.conf file with the editor and search for Samsung Chromebook 2 13. In this section, the URL of the ChromeOS image is available for download. Then download that with wget.

Then they have a zip file. Unzip this with unzip. Then they have a BIN file. This then has to be mounted. To do this, install kpartx on the Raspberry Pi OS. And this is how it is mounted:

sudo mkdir / tmp / chromeos
sudo kpartx -av * .bin
sudo mount -o loop, ro / dev / mapper / loop0p3 / tmp / chromeos /

Now the Chromeos image is mounted and we can now extract Widevine.

To do this, go to the / tmp / chromeos folder and look for the widevine folder. This folder content must then be copied to / usr / lib / chromium or, depending on the case, to / usr / lib / chromium browser. Then enter the following command: sudo chmod 644 /usr/lib/chromium/ or sudo chmod 644 /usr/lib/chromium-browser/ Then reboot the Raspberry Pi. Then you can delete the downloaded ZIP and BIN file.

Now Widevine should run under Chromium on the Raspberry Pi. To do this, call up this page so that you can test whether Widevine is running correctly: If there's a checkmark at Widevine, it is running correctly.

Then you can use the Raspberry Pi your desired things in the Chromium browser.