Operating system for Raspberry PI as desktop pc?


I've been looking for a long time for an operating system for my Raspberry PI 2 B +. I would like to make this on my TV (unfortunately no Smart TV) somehow to be able to surf the Internet fluently (on sites like Youtube or Netflix). Unfortunately, the normal Raspbian Stretch is a bit too slow to surf properly. Does anyone know a better alternative?

PS.: Nice it would be synonymous if I could somehow stream from my PC to the PI. Or somehow as Chromecast could use.


The RaspberryPi is unsuitable for such requirements.


This is total nonsense. For exactly that he is.


Have to look at KODI (and I do not mean the store, but the software).


The Pi3 is ideal as a universal desktop. The program equipment of the SD card of the bundle with Raspbian is gigantic (with LibreOffice). The working speed is in no way inferior to my other Linux computers. In the AppShop are many full versions (as Ubuntu).