Life situation without sports?


So, good evening,

I'm 17 years old and live in a sports boarding school. I've been here for 8 months now and it's all good mega. Have now got the invitation for the national team in handball. However, I injured my thumb at the last Dhb training and may not train now. So only athletic training. My problem now is that I have a lot of time and now I'm feeling crazy going crazy. At first Netflix are watching and so on, maybe quite pleasant but in the long run really mega boring. At weekends I'm always at home because I have more than enough to do. But if I do not find anything I can do during the week between 5-22pm I'll collapse soon.


I have been struggling with injuries myself many times, but they do not consider this time-out a punishment, but a chance. For example, you now have a great way to train your other "weak" hand. Try to do as much as possible with your left hand (as left-handed, of course, left). In addition, you could intensively deal with the theoretical part. So that means watching and learning about moves, if possible using videos to analyze and improve your gaming behavior or simply deal with the rules.

Also, you could also use your new time to study for the school because you should always have a Plan B.