How can I get away from caffeine?


I wanted to know what can help if you want to avoid caffeine.

I have already stopped and have been able to keep it for a month.

Since I do sports, I just want to live healthier and therefore do without caffeine, but since the Corona virus sports and school fails, I have no motivation to move. That's why I sit around at home all day doing school assignments and watching netflix, which has not been a school or sport since. Then I started drinking energy drinks again every day and sometimes even two cans a day and that worries me a lot because I do sports and I believe that energy drinks are very harmful in sports activities.

So I wanted to ask if you have any tips on how it is easier for me to do without caffeine.


(Small question by the way: since I stopped exercising I have muscle twitching everywhere, especially in my calves.)


So I also drink my three to four cups of coffee a day, continue to do my workouts. I'm fine. Just keep your hands off the energy stuff.


Possibly. Fasting is very simple, is healthy and does not force you to eat, you may be able to. Drinking water. As a Muslim, I'm currently fasting and also have an addiction to sweets that I have now "overcome" because I'm fasting.


Muscle twitching is magnesium deficiency.