Mother freaking out again?


I'm w14 and I slept today and my mother comes in at 6 a.m. And then she yells at me because Netflix was still on from the tablet because I fell asleep while doing it. Yes, okay, I can understand that she's angry there, but she's really making it a complete thing and I'm really scared of her. She really screamed around and then started to say "yes, you didn't do that either, you should change your clothes smartly, don't always leave it there, it goes there. And she always makes that sort of thing, so even more reproaches when she came to my room the second or maybe the third time when I was sleeping I was completely awake because this woman yelled at me. She has now taken the tray down and said it stays downstairs. I have to go to school with it? But it should stay downstairs, I wonder if I do that? But it's our common tablet and it stays down "just ask two okay? What does she need it for at 7 o'clock? And I think that you have never used it and I actually only use the tray for school we il i have to do home schooling on it. Do you understand my mother and can you help me? Should I apologize again now or just leave her?


I understand you. Your mother is really mean. Go downstairs and tell her all of this in a loud tone. Maybe yell at them too.


There's something like that. Sometimes there are phases where you are simply stressed and annoyed. Try to talk to your mother normally and calmly tell her that you are afraid of her if she is ticking off like that. Hopefully you will succeed


Just do what you are told and there will be no trouble.


But she only comes up with it all of a sudden, how should I know that she wants the tray downstairs even though she doesn't use it?


You don't have to apologize for anything. (Except - were you allowed to watch Netflix?)

Your mother totally overreacted and what if she doesn't want to give you the tablet? Well then she should do that, you better not mess with her. Then have a nice day and when the teachers ask you why didn't you hand in anything? Then say you couldn't because your wife, mother, didn't want to give you the tablet


That's why she didn't take it with her. Think again