Little brother can't sleep?


My parents are having a lot of stress at the moment which is why I take care of my brother (2 years) today.

We did what he usually does every night, eating super, going for a swim, looking at Sandman, brushing teeth, reading history and so on.

However, he comes every hour in my room and crying, then I go back to his room, read until he sleeps and then go back.

Slowly I'm desperate, I would like to watch Netflix in peace, especially since I also feed the baby cats every 2 hours and massage their stomach.

Anyone tips?


I know your problem only too well. Have a 2 year old sister… With her, it usually helps if I give her a warm milk. After that she sleeps mostly. Of course, it does not have to be that way with your brother, but it's worth a try.


Thank you very much.


Night light, and or radio play CD. Stuffed animal of yours (maybe you still have one somewhere) to put in the cot. That helped and often helps us if the offspring could not sleep or because of fear of a stupid dream did not want to sleep.

That with the film must probably stand on the back of an exception. Welcome. That's how many mothers are.

Explanations such as "your body must sleep now so that tomorrow you have enough energy to play with me" is too abstract for a two-year-old, therefore not tangible. Because "morning" is sooo far away.

By ranting you get upset, no one finds a dormouse when just before arguing or one was scolded. Since even an adult has problems to find enough relaxation to fall asleep soon.

Why your sibling gets all the nose long can have different reasons. On the one hand "it is a different situation than usual and thus interesting", then "one does not want to miss anything". Third, as a possibility: "One does not like to be alone, feels more secure and secure in the presence of the familiar caregiver."


The next feeding is in half an hour? Well then let him stay awake and show him how to feed the kittens, meanwhile he can drink warm milk or cocoa.

According to your other questions, you have a dog, so just let the two cuddle while you massage the kitten's belly. (Or let the dog sleep next to him)

After that you have two hours until then he will sleep.

All the best for you and nice to take care of your little brother.

My siblings are sleeping with me just because the big (8) had a nightmare and the little (6) was awakened by the fire department siren: /: ')


Thank you very much

More tablets = longer sleep? de devilishGracie6
Your opinion on the story? ma magicalmeasly