How do I nourish her?


The following situation: 1 girl chills in my bed and we watch Netflix. We're about 40cm apart. How do I get closer to her and in which situation do I kiss her best?


We're about 40cm apart. How can I get closer to her?

sit 10cm closer to her.

and kiss her as soon as it turns out. Eg when your eyes meet.


Slightly closer to her, touch her arm more often while talking. If she does not back away, embrace her someday. Before you kiss her, be sure she wants that too.


If I were you, I'd be looking for some reason to get up. Hol drink or pretend that you need to go to the bathroom. When you come back, you just sit a little closer to her, about 10 to 20 cm distance.

Just look how she reacts. If she is not dismissive and slips away, you can always slip a bit closer to her. Not every minute 1 cm, that's weird. So every 10 minutes a few inches. At some point you can touch her arm and just see how she reacts.

If she likes it, a kiss will follow automatically. Maybe in a romantic moment in the movie?


Just escalate. Little KINO, if necessary Comfort. Then KC and consequently FC.


Brother red German


You do not have to understand. At some point you will also read in.


That depends on you and the woman.

If she prefers to be dominant:
Lean behind her and start massaging her with strong hands on her neck, waiting for her reaction. If she finds it pleasurable, I would rub her lateral neck with her fingers, then move her head to one side and kiss her diagonally from behind, while I run my hand down her neck to her breasts.

If the woman has sense of humor:
You can just slip closer to her, stretch your arms up and yawn loudly, and then cradle her arm around her shoulder, and when she grins or looks at you, you say, "What?" Too obvious, but how else to come to my kiss? ", whereupon she will hopefully continue to encourage you to pick up the kiss.

If she likes restrained men:
You can keep glancing at her with sparkling eyes, blushing, shivering and biting your bottom lip until she either kisses you by herself or asks you what's going on and you ask her, "Do you know that feeling, something definitely but you do not know how? " Your answer will hopefully be "well, then maybe you should just do it and not think about it", whereupon you can kiss her…