Is an iPad with 32 GB enough for the university or should it already be 128 GB?


Question is above. I know that always depends on how you use it, but I will mainly use it for university. I won't really have to download anything on Netflix and Spotify. I have my cell phone on the go. And I won't take pictures with it either.
I've already chosen Apple, so you don't have to change my mind here.

Thanks in advance!

PS: While we're at university, can you recommend me good apps for the iPad that shouldn't be missing? Especially those that are just good if you want to write in transparencies.


I'm not sure if 32Gb is enough. But I would recommend apps like: Keynote, GoodNotes 5, Anki App and Quizlet. And PowerPoint.


You should study… Don't mess around on the Internet!

… If you are looking for something to eat, leave the valuable study place to the not too rich but ambitious people who work hard to achieve higher goals…

… And believe me, a 286 PC built in 1990 would be enough to write.


As you said, it depends. I have an iPad Pro with 64GB and Apple Pencil.

Good apps: Notability or goodnotes are the classics.

I use Notability and synchronize all my notes there with a cloud (for me Dropbox). I don't want my iPad to wear out and all unsaved notes go away. That's why the memory is not important to me and 64GB is enough for me.


Can't a student mess around on the internet?


Have a look to China…

… They are so ambitious that it would not be surprising if Germany became the Chinese western province at some point…


And now? Quality of life and real democracy are a foreign word there. I prefer to look to Germany.

Incidentally, I'm studying for a master's degree in Germany at the university and many of my fellow students are Asian. German education is still very important, even in Asian countries.


I would like to see how you lug a 286 from 1990 in the university with you. A pen and pad are sufficient for writing.


Would definitely be an eye-catcher!


The word is "still"


No, the word is quality of life.