Does it help to sign petitions on


I started a petition on, which is about finally offering Arrow Season 7 and 8 in German on Netflix.

Since I'm a big Arrow fan and if there are Arrow fans among you, I ask you to sign this petition, maybe it will work. Thank you.

The link to the petition:


Yes man, let's make a petition against war, then it doesn't exist anymore.

Even if this is not so important to you with Netflix, it is more likely that you will achieve something with it than with petitions against bad things


In case you haven't noticed: Netflix has changed its business model… Because you can't earn anything with films and series from others. They are now making their own productions with most of their income. For the rest, there's not that much budget left compared to the past and of course there has to be a strong prioritization. As a customer of Netflix, you are basically only the sponsor for their new productions, which you did not know at the time of payment. This is really a whole new form of audacity and PEOPLE LIKE IT. Incredible. Or did you buy empty DVD boxes in the past, no matter what film it contains? I do not think so.

Conclusion: End your funny subscription and invest your time in something more sensible than watching any funny series that you didn't want to have.


Not true, have already seen a petition titled "Save the series Lucifer", so this petition is not the only one about series.


Supergirl is also part of Arrowverse and was added on April 1st, so your argument with in-house productions is wrong


If you like Arrow, I would appreciate a signature


I have no idea what Arrow is


Thank you


I said that prioritization is fierce


I'll take a look if the site is too complicated for me, I have to pay money or have an account number or similar. I don't have to show off. Even if the Arrowverse is very close to my heart.


Thank you


I don't think it will be worth it in this case.

The DC comic series always appear a little later on Netflix (Germany). This will probably be related to license terms. Either Netflix can't yet license the series for its use or the price is still too high.

Since Arrow is generally already available on Netflix, they already have series licenses and will not be denied. Season 6 was also submitted later, so there's probably interest in new seasons. Therefore, there seems to be enough interest in the series to keep the series in the range.


Yes, but supposedly Arrow is not supposed to be translated yet and the broadcaster (RTL Crime) that Arrow has broadcast so far has no rights to the series anymore or is no longer planned. Actually, it has always been this way: Arrow starts on TV in autumn and then comes to Netflix the following year. With that in mind, Arrow Season 7 should have started on TV last fall, but it didn't. In addition, it has so far been the case that Netflix continued for a season. That means season x is on TV and season x-1 on Netflix. This is also the case with The Flash and Supergirl, which also belong to Arrowverse. Season 4 of Supergirl came on Netflix (April 1) and season 5 started on TV. Arrow is also the final season 8 (only in English until now). So Netflix is 2nd season behind and so far the TV was always only one season behind the English version, which is now two seasons at Arrow.


Have you looked at it yet?


Yes. I signed.


It's rather that Netflix is parched. Companies like Disney buy content such as The Simpsons and Star Wars and ban Netflix from broadcasting that. That's why Netflix MUST now produce itself. That goes into the money. Soon Netflix will run out of coal and will buy it up… The big vultures are already waiting for it…

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