Is this a sign from other beings?


Moin zsm.

I'm 14m and believe in God. But not necessarily now in the Bible etc. But I believe in God.

So, I was relaxed watching Netflix last night (on TV).

It was already around midnight and I wanted to go to bed slowly. Then it occurred to me that I wanted to delete a few downloads (series) on my cell phone or on Netflix, why doesn't matter.

So I pondered for a long time whether I should do it or only tomorrow.

In a nutshell: You should know that I'm a person who wants to have everything done as quickly as possible, because it is in my head because I'm afraid to forget it - which would not actually happen.

Since I was also working on not doing such things directly to get used to it, I studied about 10 minutes. After that I decided to delete the downloads today.

When I was on the cell phone and started Netflix, the message "You are logged out" came to me - this had NEVER happened to me since I never log out anyway. Since I didn't have Wi-Fi, I wasn't able to log in again.

So I went to sleep.

The next morning, I went to the cell phone and lo and behold, I was logged in again. So I deleted the downloads.

Could this be a sign / an activity of God who did not want me to do it in the evening because I'm working to get used to it and he wanted to "support" me?

As I said, I'm not really a believer but that was a sign of him for me

I thank you for your perseverance and would like to know your opinion.


You have to be able to decide for yourself whether this is a sign of God or not. It's just a matter of belief. The ways of God are unfathomable for us humans.

Hope you can do something with it!


Because God gives you free will to do things or not. He is not your guardian who is behind you.


Sometimes we see patterns where there are no patterns at all.

I'm not a technician, I can't tell you exactly what happened there. Maybe the connection broke off briefly or something. I sometimes have something similar with Spotify. Ka what was going on there. Anyway, it wasn't God. (Especially since there's no such thing as a god)


His "angels" do such "orders". But when they do something like this, you can see very soon what the point was.

So just pay attention to whether this repeats itself.


But it could be that he wants to help me to fight my problem (So things that jump into my head and do not even wait).


HM okay


No. That contradicts free will.


Thank you very much!

So it is entirely possible that they wanted to support me with my problem (i.e. Doing things that jump into my head directly and not even waiting, e.g. To do it on another day) or to counteract it?

Lg and thanks for your answer 😊


I'm assuming that, because you saw 3 guardian angels when you were born. One who pays attention to your life, one who supports you mentally and one who supports you spiritually. All the good things you do will be fully supported by you. Should interest you:


You are not a chosen one. If you think you see signs, your mind is wrong. This only happens because you believe in something like this and do not pay enough attention to your perception. The rest happens in the brain. Some people can go so far as to hear voices and think that God is speaking to them. There's no selectivity, either all or none.