Mobile phone does what it wants?


When I'm on Netflix Spotify or YouTube with my phone, it just pauses or does something similar. I always have headphones in my cell phone maybe it is because I have had the problem for 1 month only a few days. What can i do there


Maybe… N 'buy new headphones?


Switch off - if it does not help, switch off your mobile phone for 2 (at least) days and do not use it - even if it is hard. It is very important that you leave the cell phone alone and are not on the cell phone all the time - maybe you have a laptop or ipdad. In addition, if you have a laptop, for example, you can go to whatsappweb and have whatsapp on your laptop. So you can leave your cell phone alone, for example, but still scream with friends


Which cell phone do you have?


Do you have a shell?

The headphone jack may not have a proper contact with the cell phone because of the case


Can also be stimnt

