Virus on the phone, what to do?


Yesterday I got an email on my mobile phone (Android) that I also went to, but then it was gone. So I haven't opened an attachment or link either. Still, that's why I very likely have a virus on my phone. When I woke up today, it said "Error Mode" and so on. I already went to "Reboot System Now", but it didn't work. So what should I do? Reset to factory settings, i.e. Delete all data from my cell phone, show someone who knows how to use the cell phone or something else? And what else can the virus cause? I don't have any bank details or anything else on my phone, just the usual. Pictures, emails, contacts, a few apps (WhatsApp, Insta, Netflix, …) and so on. Or could it also be because I did not make a necessary system update? I would be very happy to receive a helpful answer, thank you in advance.


There are different types of viruses…

Boot sector viruses, Trojans, script viruses, program viruses, macro viruses, computer worms.

They differ in structure, purpose and functionality.

who knows how to show the cell phone

That's the best idea. Until then, do not connect the mobile phone anywhere or send files. This may be overly cautious, but if you don't know what kind of virus it is, this is the safest option.
Otherwise just let a virus killer run over it, and with a little luck the thing will be done quickly.


I just can't stop the cell phone. So only this "Error Mode" is displayed to me. And if I click longer on two of the buttons, I get to where I can click, among other things, on "Reboot System now", which I have already done, but which did not help.


As far as I know, there aren't an infinite number of VIren for Android.

If you don't have any important data such as passwords or pictures on it, you should boot into the recovery menu and go to "Reset to factory settings", that will probably be enough.

Otherwise, if you can still get it on, I would try to save the data on my Linux computer. Best on a PC with a live boot stick


That's exactly why Android is dirt, the camera, the display are all well and good and all, but security is dirt. Get an iPhone! The hackers probably now have all of your data on your cell phone and could possibly blackmail you. As you said before, the best you could do is reset the value settings.


I just wanted to reset the phone to factory settings. This option is no longer displayed to me, but only "Reboot System now".


And you are certainly in the recovery menu?
You may also have several menus and you have to find the right one first = /


Because iPhone is so much more secure 🤦🤦🤦 please do not spread untruths and do not incite against Android just because you have no idea. If you google for 2 minutes, you will find a number of articles about iPhones not being safer.


Well, I don't know I have any data on my cell phone that I could be blackmailed with. No bank details, passwords, embarrassing pictures or anything else.

I wanted to reset my phone to factory settings now. This option is no longer displayed to me, but only "Reboot System now".


If you click a link, Android can be much more likely to get you a virus.


An iPhone would have a virus as well… Or do you think the virus sees the n iOS operating system and thinks "you can't do anything"


Hold the volume up and the on / off "button" down until that comes. When I did that earlier, I was presented with the option to reset the phone to factory settings. If I do the same now, I just come back to the start screen, where it says "Error Mode". If I keep the volume up, down and the on / off button pressed, I get to where I see "Reboot System now".

And earlier I was able to turn off the cell phone, which is no longer possible: /

Well, I'll just keep trying. Someone who is very familiar with the problem is currently taking on the problem.


Factory data reset eliminates a virus. You will need to reset and reinstall the operating system.


Your situation is a bit tricky, of course, as you have most likely caught a cell phone malware representative. But first of all no need to worry. All problems can be solved if the right remedy is found.

Now I have a few small questions for you so that I can help you a little better if necessary:

Have you already tried to equip the device with an antivirus program and run a scan with it?
Are you sure that you did not click on links that were attached to the mail yourself?

It would be very helpful if you could answer these questions for me, please!

I also read that you can't reset your phone to the factory settings. Have you ever watched a tutorial on how to reset your system on your mobile phone?

Does the possibility no longer exist, or is it just "grayed out"?

I look forward to your feedback on my questions.

I wish you a pleasant start to the week
- Justin from


Have you already tried to equip the device with an antivirus program and run a scan with it?

I can no longer get the phone to work properly. So when I turn it on, this "error mode" comes up, which I can't get away either. I have an antivirus program on my cell phone, but I didn't use it yesterday and now I just can't use it because I can't get the phone to work properly.

Are you sure that you did not click on links that were attached to the mail yourself?

Yes. The email was displayed to me as a message at the top of my mobile phone, then I clicked on it, then was on GMAIL, but then the email was gone and I couldn't find it anywhere. So I can't have clicked on a link or on the attachment, not even accidentally, because the email was gone immediately after I clicked on it.

Have you ever watched a tutorial on how to reset your system on your mobile phone?

Yes, I watched a tutorial on this.

Does the possibility no longer exist, or is it just "grayed out"?

This possibility no longer exists.

"Synchronize email" has been on my cell phone for days. However, I have enough storage space. Could this be related to the missing email?

Can it also be that my cell phone has a system error and that is why this "Error Mode" is there?

If I turn on my cell phone, it says:

ERROR MODE. Attention! Please update system again. Error! Func NO: 10 (boot image), Error NO: 2 (load failed!)


Thank you, you also have a pleasant start to the week.

