Where can you stream Doctor Who with subtitles?

- in Free

After seeing several episodes on the television channel ONE, the Doctor Who fever has seized me.
I started in German… But I would rather watch the series in English in the original sound.
I find in translated English-language series is often lost the humor.
I've just changed the language at bs, but especially with the loan episode I had big problems. My English is actually quite good, but I barely understood the loan. And the strong British accent is still getting used to for me. (I've seen US series before)

So I would be grateful if you could give me a page where I can stream the series (so the 10th Doctor) with English or German subtitles. (I do not care, the main thing I read what is said).

Of course, I prefer a free streaming service or something that is not too expensive… So I do not want to have to buy each episode separately but would like to be able to subscribe to the service (as with Netflix).



I mean it's possible on Netflix.


No, the series is no longer available on Netflix.