Who is the best doctor in your eyes and why?


Which doctor is your favorite or the best and why? What is crucial for you?

I must honestly say that Nine was my first doctor and Eleven was my second. (Not surprised to see the first three episodes of Nine, but quality too bad, then continued on Netflix with Eleven, do not worry, meanwhile I've fallen in love with the series and seen all the New Who's.)

I think every doctor has its advantages and disadvantages. (All Classic WHO fans will yell at the following, I know, I know…)

Of course, I too sympathize with Ten and Eleven. But I like everyone. Unfortunately, you can't experience any development on Nine like the other docs, as he had only one season. (What a pity, but if the chemistry does not fit between actor and producer, it just does not fit…) Capaldi is usually grumpy and you could not experience the complete acting skills. He unfortunately had by far the worst screenplays.

Jodie is a great actress, but I think she does not quite fit into the role. (No, I'm not sexist, it's not because she's a woman or I'm a Whittaker hater!) She's great, but I do not feel like she's in the role like the others. But there are still a few seasons follow from her, where she can prove herself again.

Eleven had in my opinion the best scripts with Steven Moffat. His stories were exciting, smart, full of wit and heart. Matt was good at putting emotions into practice and was a childish old man in the body of a boy who sometimes showed his old soul in the right places (Vincent Van Gogh, for example).

Ten is definitely the most humane and adult of all Doctors. He comes closest to a normal person like you and me. However, it is these little funny moments and his facial expressions and gestures that really make him shine. He too had good scripts.

My conclusion: My favorite doctor is probably Eleven. He was just my first doctor and so will always have a small advantage. Ten is maybe the best, but somehow I can't bring myself to push Eleven off the podium. I love Nine, but I had too little development and time to really get to know the character there.

So, that's my opinion. What is yours?


Peter Capaldi is also awesome and I think David Tennant is best even though unfortunately I could not watch the squadrons with him, but my dad likes him best.


The first Who episode I've ever seen was The empty Child. And the accompanying season, the only Who Season. The series is good, no question, but I'm not so series showers.


Yes, that's just me. It is important that such issues be dealt with, especially Doctor WHO is there with its moral values perfect for, but not every episode should turn to it, as it is still basically a sci-fi series with heart and a moral, but still no complete moral code. I like the old episodes Nine, Ten & Eleven (with the Ponds) the most


But something like that. I love his lively, overflowing nature. At the same time, he is also very emotional, warmhearted and funny. Forever my favorite doctor!

Eleven I think is good, but not as convincing as Ten. He's even more overdriven than Ten, which Smith does well, but I do not find his character so complex. Sometimes his stories are too nested and confusing.

Twelve has the biggest character development, but he's too grudging for me personally. Nevertheless, a very interesting interpretation of the doctor.

Unfortunately, Nine had only one season, so I found him okay, but nothing more.

Unfortunately, I have not seen Thirteen yet, but I'm a bit skeptical, but it will be interesting.

I hardly know the ClassicWhos, but my interest does not go that far…


I actually like all the doctors. I started New Who and cried when Nine regenerated. Then came David Tennant and I found him awesome as a Doctor. I did not want to look at his last episode and delayed it until the curiosity became too big.

Then Matt Smith came and I did not mourn Tennant. The Eleventh Doctor was insane. He has in my opinion the best storyline and an incredibly interesting character and a funny behavior whites. I like this childish and funny thing about him. The chemistry between him and the Ponds I found great.

Unfortunately, Matt Smith's final season was his weakest in the story and his final episode was not as good as Tens. But his last scene with the imaginary Amy just before he regenerated, was awesome and I had an insane goose bumps. Although I liked Eleven the most, I did not cry weirdly when he was regenerating, just like the others. I like 12th too, but 11th is my undisputed favorite.

I have not yet seen Jodie Whittaker as a doctor, but from what I hear so I should very much reduce my expectations.


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