Current Movies Stream Which Provider?

- in Free

Hi, no matter where I look, whether it's Netflix, Amazon Prime or Maxdome

None of these providers can really satisfy me while I'm just looking for a provider which, for example, the current movies such as Avengers Endgame, Ad Astra, once Upon time in Hollywood, etc. Can stream me

But I do not find such a provider on Amazon Prime you can borrow Avengers Endgame but costs a whopping 5 euro if you want to buy it equal 17 euro at Netflix I pay for a month subscription 12 euro

Also, I can't watch horror movies on Prime Video because Prime Video wants to verify my age and that with my passport blah blah

At Netflix there are only movies which you can currently easily stream for free which makes me wonder anyway what I pay for Netflix 12 euro a month if I can stream the whole program Netflix easy for free.

The HD quality keeps me honestly from terminating the membership


No provider. You have to phase out the cinema, then you can buy movies on Amazon prime etc.


That's really batty even then I could not wait half a year until the respective films are available on Prime Video


Movies and so you can think only illegal streaming


As long as the films are currently in the cinema, they will logically also have no Streminganbieter in the program. You're supposed to go to the movies, that's what they're made for. Movies are products that should bring money!