What do you think of frequent environmental activists and Greens members?


Someone who is a member of the Greens is committed to environmental protection by watching less Netflix and Co., eating less meat, using less electricity, etc., but traveling a lot by plane. Especially long distances, such as Las Vegas in the USA

What opinion do you have about such a person or what comes to mind spontaneously?


I think it's good to stand up for your beliefs. I would admire people because they change so much in everyday life. Because the most everyday, smallest things are the most difficult.

For some people it is unavoidable to take the flights, but it would be better for the overall picture to leave them out. That's obvious.


If these are really just fun-luxury vacation trips, this is certainly something that could be reduced.

conversely, one can also say. If jmd who flies a lot for fun, consumes a lot of electricity, eats a lot of meat and bullies trees, wants to go green and at least reduces meat consumption and only pays "green electricity", then that is a step in the right direction.


Well if there's my alternative? Not everyone can sail the sea for 3 months with the sailboat.

With his work he makes a contribution to the climate. So it's a question of investment. If he doesn't fly he can do less.


There's such a thing as necessary evil.

We live in a globalized world and not every green is a crosshead who lives in his log cabin in the forest.

You can have a normal job and still be for environmental protection.

But if it is necessary that long distances have to be covered, then it is necessary.

The necessary can be replaced by telephone or video conferencing, but sometimes not everything.


What if it's just fun trips or tourism?


Nothing, they lie to themselves.


It's not about someone promoting or protecting the environment in Vegas or elsewhere.


Then it doesn't fit the actual setting.


Yes, that's how I understand your question.

Then just like this: just because you do something for the environment does not mean that you ONLY have to do something for it. Wouldn't he fly to Vegas if he eats meat again, etc?

Of course it would be better. But others fly too and a green one should have the same rights, right? In others, there's no discussion or finger pointing