Can I see more episodes of a series in English on Netflix?


Example: I would like to see Gotham. Currently there's the 5th season turned off. In "my" German Netflix account, only the first three seasons are offered.

Is there a possibility that I can already watch the new episodes in English, or does Netflix generally not yet, if they are not displayed?


Maybe a proxy hmm


Netflix has different offers in each country. So it may be that the new seasons in the US at Netflix offers are in Germany but not yet. That probably depends on the licensing Netflix has to acquire for this series.

There are certainly tricks on how you can trick the Netflix app into being in another country. But that's against the Netflix Terms of Service and could end up with an account lockout when it comes out.


Okay, then unfortunately that does not work the way I thought it would.

I think only other streaming sites stay with me; or wait…


If money is not important:


Since I also know:

This is also available as an app

And still:

Since the media libraries are searched by the public and private television stations

Incidentally, on Amazon Prime that is possible. Since the series are offered separately with original soundtrack