WLAN always breaks on my LG TV?


After moving, I no longer connected the TV via LAN cable, but WLAN, but the connection always breaks off after a few minutes (Netflix and Co)

I only get a connection again when I restart the devices.

All other devices in the household work perfectly.

I already googled but the tips on the net didn't help.


Have you ever tried to put the latest software on the TV?


Could be a problem with multicast streaming (using the IGMP protocol).

I also had it about 3 years ago on my expensive Samsung SmartTV via WLAN or LAN (despite a great connection 400 Mbit / s), ALWAYS aborted after about 10-15 minutes of TV streaming (YouTube or ZDF media library).
I was able to fix it with a WLAN repeater "Important: configured as an IP client", which I then connected to the LAN connection of the TV. So the repeater repeats nothing, it also runs as a converter WLAN → LAN. Since then (already 3 years) the streaming never stopped again.

Here I once described it


Yes I looked for updates, had previously given the TV its own IP and given permission for free ports, then it ran for 2 hours without problems and now again.