WLAN is only temporarily because of DHCP?

- in Movies

Here is a technical question:

I have a Speedport router from the telecom. LAN goes without problems, but the WLAN looks bad.

And this thing has two security levels. Level one and level two. The 1 changes the IP addresses every x hours and the 2 changes them all x: 2. Roughly explained.

Strangely enough, at stage one I only have reception in the room where the router is located. If I go out of the room, the router assigns the devices a completely wrong IP address, which is located in a completely different network. Hence the beautiful exclamation mark next to the WLAN symbol. I can connect to the router, but not to the internet.

When I stop Level 2, I have almost anywhere in the house reception, but only temporarily. At some point then comes the exclamation mark, then it's indefinitely nothing, then it's back.

An example: Netflix movie runs for a minute, then it stops for 2 minutes, then it runs again and everything in miserable picture quality.

On the Smart TV you can almost no Wi-Fi receive, although this is even closer to the router than I just with the phone. The Telekom says that it can't be on the lines, because LAN goes so… They want to send us even a technician, if we pay 80 euro plus travel costs, which I really do not understand. We also have to wait until September to change the provider who comes to us and sets up everything.

Disturbing devices are excluded, channels in the support program, I have all already changed. No idea what to do.

LG to all who can help me.


Reset factory settings
5 meters + wall is often too much at the W Lan


What you are describing sounds really strange. You write that our router suddenly forgives IP addresses, which are in a completely wrong network. How can I imagine that? Because you continue to write that you can still access the router. This is only possible if you get an IP address that is in the same network as the router.

I have to agree, at least for the moment, with the statements of my colleagues. If everything goes via LAN, then our line must be perfectly okay. Then this is a question of wireless configuration. I can give you rough help here. But if a technician should check your Wi-Fi settings, then this will be charged.

Greeting Kai M. Telekom helps


Thank you for this answer.

I admit, I have not much idea of this computer stuff, I have just described what I said the one who has scanned our IP addresses (somehow, no idea if I understood correctly). I just can't afford to pay over 60 or 70 euro for someone to come and set it up. Therefore, I think it's a great pity that you generally get as an uneducated non-technical talent no on-site help from the telecom, but also not free of charge from other providers.

Here in the area we were told that the reception can be very bad, because this fiber thing is probably not finished yet. Our neighbors, however, have no problems with other providers.

According to others, all providers run on one line. Can that be true or is that nonsense?

This should not be a criticism of the telecom, I'm just very frustrated, since we have only one year in trouble with the router, which sometimes works and sometimes not.

For example, the WLAN runs great for half an hour and then without any apparent reason, the WLAN does not work for several hours, or only in the immediate vicinity of the router. Without that we have changed anything.

Who else is there for whom? That it may cost less than 70 euro.


But that does not explain why on some days it works easily throughout the house. The walls do not get thicker or thinner every half hour.


I had the problem at 1&1. The reception was on the border but the computer did not show it. In the summer I had no reception. In winter, crashes


Put it on 5 GHZ. Turn off 2.4 GHZ


Thanks, but I've already tried that. Has brought nothing.

Have tried in the last few months almost everything. From On Off to factory settings and reconfigure everything was everything that a dummi can solve.


That you are frustrated as a non-specialist, I can understand, but you must also take note of the following technical facts:

They also want to send us a technician, if we pay 80 euro plus travel costs, which I really do not understand.

If you have a problem, e.g. With your heating, then you need a technician, you have to pay - why should that be different on the Internet, I do not understand this argument.

The WLAN does not have anything to do with the Internet, it is a purely internal wireless connection in your home network between the router and the entpr. WLAN devices such as notebooks and smartphones - WLAN works without Internet.

As Kai M. Von Telekom helps already wrote: If everything goes on LAN, then our line must be perfectly okay - and so it is.

It may of course be that the telecom router is defective, e.g. With the WLAN functions, then you get from the Telekom a new rout sent, if this is rented.

WLAN is basically a bad, because always times inconvenient and error-prone transfer mode. The best solution is a LAN cable, you should consider if you do not make a wiring. This is not as much effort as you think and you have many years a stable connection without interference.

The rule is: WLAN only where there's no other way, e.g. For smartphones.

Otherwise, there can be many reasons for a bad WLAN, there are many tips for optimizing the network:



Excuse me, that I will contact you only now. Since the configuration of the WLAN is not related to our network, we charge the visit of a technician.

The reception of the WLAN has nothing to do with any expansion work. This is only related to the construction of the apartment or the house. Also, many different wireless networks can adversely affect.

That with the same or different networks depends on the technology used. We, the German Telekom, use the telephone lines of the old Federal Post Office and publish new ones. These lines can also use other providers.
Then there's also the network of cable television. Also here you can get access to the internet.

If you like, then send me your customer and contact information. Then I'll see if everything is okay with the router. What do you think? Please follow this link: https://www.telekom.de/...hilft-team

Greeting Kai M. Telekom helps