Why are the movies only temporarily on Netflix?

- in Movies

Why are the movies only temporarily on Netflix?


Originally Posted by http://www.netflix.com/...tflix.com:

"Netflix acquires licenses for series and films from studios and content providers around the world, these licenses may expire if we do not renew them, and we strive to keep the content you want to see, but we're acquiring the licensing rights for series and content Movies only for a limited period of time - not indefinitely, so some titles will no longer be available on Netflix, so if we remove a title that you liked, that's because our license agreement ends with the content provider.

If the license for a title expires, we will check if we should renew the license. We apply the same criteria that we use to license new content. "


Because they only buy the licenses for a certain amount of time, and that will soon be even closer




Because of the different license duration. Netflix acquires the license to show for a period of time. The movies that run well are lengthened, which does not arrive that way.