How can I help my father?

- in Movies

I'm 14 years old and I have the feeling that my father is only at his tablet. He has Netflix and only watches his movie.

It's not that he doesn't care. When I need his help, he is completely there, but he no longer comes up with the idea of cooking something or going for a walk.

He and my stepmother have been arguing about it for a long time and she even sleeps temporarily in the basement because she can't stand watching movies until late at night. If you ask him about it, he just means that it is not so.

Now my question can I somehow distract my father or at least help him to get out of this "search"? Can someone help me?


I'm sorry, but children can't really help their parents. It seems to me that the two of them have a problem that they need to sort out.

What you might be able to do is tell him (and her, too?) That you are worried about him / her / them and that you are not doing well with him / her / them as things are going.

But you can't change anything about your father yourself. I think.


Try to entice him for a walk yourself


You can tell him what you see, what you feel, what you think, how you and your mother suffer from his addiction, how life has changed for you to the detriment that he is no longer who he used to be.