How should I explain it?


I watched a series from 16 on Netflix. But I searched on the Internet what episodes are from 12 and which are from 16. And then I only watched the episodes from 12. My sister stalked my profile and saw that I was watching the series. She went straight to my father and "peed". Now my father has deleted my account and I can no longer watch anything. I've already told my sister that I only looked at things from 12, but she doesn't believe me. I want to talk to my father about it later. Do you have ideas like. He is somehow "not angry" so he didn't get upset but simply deleted the account. Do you have any ideas how I can explain that to him later?


Show him the evidence you found on the Internet, or wherever you found out that these episodes are from 12.

May I ask which series that was?


Tell him the way you wrote it and. The question is which one was it? If it was something like Stranger things or Riverdale there's nothing in my opinion that would have a reason to delete your account. Netflix also shows which episodes you watched and which ones you did not.




Just as you just explained to us.

You can't resolve conflicts or misunderstandings without having addressed them. Do you have a fight with your sister or did she just want to "wipe you one"?

If you really only watched the consequences from the age of 12, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to explain the facts to your father? You don't have to have a guilty conscience.




Yes my god, you can also show him that that's not a bad thing.

He thinks you looked at something bad…


But my sister says that's what is bad and that the story is not for me, thanks 🙏


Then Google just after the story, and then read it before ^^


You can try talking to your father again.

I can understand your father's reaction a bit.
but he can set your Netflix area so that you can only watch certain series.

Honestly, when you watch a series and it is exciting, do you pay attention to whether the next episode is classified for your age?

So your method of watching the series really works?


The Netflix age ratings are non-binding recommendations from Netflix, not laws to be followed. Try to explain this to your father and then he should just watch the series and next time decide beforehand whether you can see it. Why should he make it dependent on the assessment of some strange people?