Upload sections from series to YT?


My idea is the following:

I wanted to record a series on Netflix using screen capture. I would then cut the whole thing up and upload short snippets to YouTube. In these excerpts I would pause again and again and explain vocabulary from the video excerpt.

(For example:

1. Video section approx. 10 seconds

2. Show the blue background with the subtitles of the video section

3. Explain vocabulary

4. Next video section

Basically, it should be videos with which someone can learn German. (So not a best of a series)

Can I do something like this or do I have to expect my YouTube channel to be blocked?

If I can, what do I have to watch out for so that YouTube doesn't block my channel?


First, I think you would "only" get a strike. The channel is only blocked with three of them.


I wanted to record a series on Netflix using screen capture

That is not possible, Netflix does not allow screenshots or records. The picture will just be black in the shot.

Better watch the series on s.to or something.


That is not possible, Netflix does not allow screenshots or records. The picture will just be black in the shot.

If you don't do it smart enough…

Better watch the series on s.to or something.

She / he has Netzflix…


Find out about the right to quote and videos.

Just showing video clips and explaining a few words is probably not allowed, you would have to deal with the content more.