Access type cable or DSL?


I would like to revise my internet tariff because I have noticed that significantly higher download and upload speeds are possible at my location. Need Wi-Fi especially for Netflix, Gaming, Youtube (all in 4k), learning and video conferencing, we're 2 people in the household. Now it is so that I could take cable internet with 400 mbt / s 12 mbt / s upload or dsl with 250 mbt / s down 40 mbt / s up. In addition, the ping should be better with DSL? How important is the upload speed for you? Please for testimonials.


With the correct network design, utilization and maintenance, both systems should deliver the same reliability.

Problem is: The cable network is mostly completely out of date. Since Telekom had to sell the cable network, the new owners have made a big splash but invested little, and that is now falling on customers' feet.

My neighbors with cable network regularly complain of network failures of up to two days (no internet, no telephone). But is much "cheaper" than DSL.


You can offer good Internet access with both technologies. It depends on what the provider does with it (e.g. Due to a lack of expansion, overbooking, etc.).

If you really mean 400 Mbit / s down and 12 Mbit / s up, I would not take this product. When downloading, there's also a small amount of upload, and 400/12 is quite a blatant relationship; I would fear that I would slow down the line myself…


DSL = Telekom / Kabel = Pyur


There may be segment overload at Kabel Internet and since Pyur does not offer the best cable Internet I would rather advise DSL with Telekom

Internet slow at peak times: what segment overload means and what cable providers do about it.


Problem m.M. After is that any DSL tariffs are overpriced.


44 euro for 400 Mbit / s is not exactly cheap either


Thanks for the star, greeting andie

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