
I will soon have my own apartment and am looking for a WLAN. I find providers of LTE networks and DSL.

I'm in Austria and would therefore use a sub-provider from A1. (is cheaper)

However, I have an offer: LTE in the A1 network with 80 Mbits for around 27 euro

The best with DSL at the price would be: 50 Mbits.

So only me and my girlfriend live in the apartment. I need the internet to gamble and watch NEtflix and watch it for cellphone and Netflix.

Which one would you recommend or is LTE so bad?


You know that LTE is for cellular and not for Wi-Fi?

LTE = cellular network

DSL = Internet connection

There are many contracts for DSL. You can contact Vodafone. They offer discounted contracts for younger people.


But I can also buy a modem, which then makes WLAN available via the LTE network. So it just depends on "how" the Internet gets to the modem. Either via cable or radio. But is LTE so much worse for Wi-Fi?! In the past but still now?