TV does not find Wi-Fi what to do?


My Toshiba TV can't find my WLAN. Supposedly there's no WLAN signal here, although all devices have WLAN. I even disconnected so that he can find it again and then I have to enter the password, but supposedly there's still no WLAN here. The days before he was always connected to the WLAN and I could watch Netflix and YouTube without any problems and jz is supposed to be no WLAN here. What can I do now? We do not have Lan cable either and the only other way to connect the TV is to press the WPS button on the router but our router has only one button and this is the on off switch.


Connect LAN cable


That still doesn't work because we don't have one


Can be bought in any length (can also be sent). Oh as a ribbon version and 15m.


That doesn't help me now either. I want Wi-Fi on my TV now.


Move router closer… TV closer to the router.


Doesn't work and that can't be that they are too far away from each other, the connection always worked without problems and now, although neither was changed, there's supposedly no WLAN here. I had that before but he found it but now the Wi-Fi is no longer available.


Sometimes it helps to completely disconnect devices from the power for half a minute or half an hour. Have you tried this yet?

Does the TV find your smartphone as a hotspot?

If not, the TV's WLAN module should be over.