How can I find meaning in life?


I (f / 13) find it increasingly unnecessary to live. Back then I had a lot of hobbies, but I gave up everything. I also don't feel like doing sports or going out. At the same time, I don't always want to stay at home & watch Netflix. I see no reason to live & can't understand why some find life so great. It is particularly bad for me in summer.
Nothing is fun. Some advise me to go to the therapist, but what does it do for me? I just don't want to live. It's not a bad thing. Going out with friends is also boring. It's not fun to listen to music or watch TV yourself. There are people who say, get out there, pull yourself together, find a hobby and have fun ", well, if that were that easy. What should I do? Lg


There's no "back then" for you at all, because you are not old enough for it. You are currently in puberty. There's a lot going on in the body, and this can easily affect your mood. To some extent it will certainly be necessary for you to grit your teeth, pull yourself together and practice discipline. In addition, it also makes sense that you are looking for a therapist who will help you get through this obviously difficult time and put your life on a track that will make you happy again.


You sound like a depression that is relatively easy to treat


Life is there to be enjoyed, so to find something that fills you, makes you happy, gives you joy. This can be anything and of course you have to look for it first if you don't immediately feel what is right for you. But the alternative to life would still be nothing. So why not use the little time that was given to you and watch what goes on? That doesn't make it worse in any case and we all experience the "not life" early enough anyway.


For me it was not even with this tone.


It is a great pity and sad


You are right