Smart TV shoots at Netflix Fritzbox or Internet?


I have the problem that when I shoot with my new Smart TV to 50% when opening Netflix the Fritz box, wlan remains but there's no connection to the Internet. Something similar I had on my old TV with Amazon Fire TV Stick too. There's a general problem with WLAN, but when you open Netflix, the Internet connection is broken for everyone. I have a 150k line and live in a family house. LAN technically I never have problems but WLAN is the purest horror despite full bar. Especially with mobile phones, it often happens that the speed is extremely bad, are there any Fritz Box settings that help? We also use the Intelligent 2 and 5 ghz signal.


Solution idea:

If you have a dual-band router (WLAN with 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz with the same SSID), then some Android devices (TV-Stick or Smartphone or Smart TV) have problems with it.

Log into the router (configuration page of the router) and turn off the test 5 GHz WLAN completely, or give the WLAN for another 5 GHz only a different Wi-Fi name.

On your Android device, delete "your Wi-Fi connection" and connect freshly to your Wi-Fi (in the near range with 5 GHz, more distant with 2.4 GHz) best with the WPS-key on the router and the menu "press WPS-key" on the smartphone / TV / … (This menu can be found in the list of WLANs, often at the bottom, or Advanced menu…).

If it works stably, your problem is resolved!


If there are range problems, weak Wi-Fi reception, you should think about access points or repeaters. Even an elevated site for the wireless router is much better. To penetrate concrete ceilings with Wi-Fi is cheese, use your LAN cables cleverly with wireless access points for distant rooms in the house. Repeaters can also be configured as access points.


Thank you already for your answer. The router internally switches between 2.4 and 5ghz. There are no 2 separate visible WLAN networks. The Fritzbox automatically forgives the network where he feels best. Maybe it would be an idea to switch off the 5ghz.


Can you substantiate whether only the wireless network is shot down or actually the Internet gateway?

Which Internet access technology does your connection have?

Which Fritzbox is in use?


The router "switch't" not, but both WLAN networks (2.4 + 5 GHz) have the same SSID and are always available in parallel. The WLAN client (receiver) decides independently which of the two networks it uses.

The problem probably arises with the WLAN client, if this "changes", while the client uses the same encryption methods (he remembers the WLAN password and the encryption on the 1st connection) but if the encryption (WEP, WPA, WPA2, AES, TKIP, …) are set to different frequencies between 2.4 and 5 GHz, problems can arise when switching.

That was my suggestion, test only 5 GHz off or rename.

Something makes you in the router in the Advanced Settings for the WLAN (expert opinion), this view you have to turn on in the FritzBox first to get any insight.


So I renamed the 5ghz network. The problem persists. In the 5ghz network are no consumers, all are in 2.4 ghz. I can try as the only one with the smart tv in 5ghz to come. But 2.4ghz, the signal is strongest


Yes, that's right, 5 GHz is only well-received at close range and enables particularly high data rates. Further away, the 2.4 GHz N standard is stronger in signal level but does not have these high data rates.

Your TV needs only about 16 MBit / s for HD streaming (and about 30 MBit / s for UHD streaming).

Back to your actual Wi-Fi problems.

Your TV does not need intelligent WLAN, because the TV does not turn around in the apartment, he is always in the same place. You write that… "Interrupted Internet for all"… Is in this incident, even with the LAN devices, the Internet then gone?

If that is the case, look in the event log of FritzBox

can be found under System / Events… Maybe there's an error code or something similar.

What kind of Samart TV do you have?


I have the qled gq6 55fn. So 2018 Model. I have now connected the TV with the 5ghz network, so far there are no problems. Mitm Handy I currently have no problems, but I have only today connected to the 5ghz. Seems like the 5ghz is running more stable. To the other question: if I have switched off Netflix and it has loaded Nurnoch I could not even on my phone on

lan has never really problems, only WLAN.

smells strong after that that 2.4ghz network is broken. Although I have Nurnoch 2-3 bars of 3 but everything is going great.

With my old tv and the Fire to stick there were the same problems.


I do not think that your FritzBox in 2.4 GHz wireless is broken. I guess you have too much Wi-Fi competitors at 2.4 GHz in your neighborhood, because only helps:

Try to connect the devices with the 5 GHz if possible.

In the 2.4 GHz select a fixed channel that is less used. Please only use the overlap-free channels 1, 6 and 11 (other channels are more susceptible to interference). You can check it with this free Android app

The WLAN option "WLAN coexistence" in FritzBox activate (in the hope that the FritzBox then hopefully builds only with the bandwidth of 20 MHz connections, the bandwidth 20 MHz is not so prone to interference).

Unnecessary Repeater to take out of service.

The TV for Netflix with a LAN cable, instead of WLAN, connect to the FritzBox.

In the TV (and Netflix app) import the latest firmware, just with new models, there are often still teething problems with a firmware update will hopefully be eradicated.


I remember something important.

Your Wi-Fi does not differentiate between Netflix and other data, so it's very obvious that your problem has something to do with the Netflix app or the specifics of Netflix servers (latency of your DNS server too high).

Especially with Netflix users often helps to enter another DNS server in the network settings on the TV.

For this you have to adjust the TV to manual network settings and carry everything as it was set up in the automatic settings.

Only change the DNS server. Use and these are the Google DNS servers that should be better.

Here is something to it: