Smart TV with Netflix causes Internet breakdown?


Our Samsung Smart TV, which is in the living room, unfortunately always causes an internet breakdown.

When you start Netflix the internet breaks down in the other rooms of the house and it is no longer possible to access the internet on cell phones or other devices (e.g. Other smart TVs in the house or SKY Q receivers etc.).

Only after restarting the router (Fritzbox), i.e. Plug out and in, does the Internet go again. This is annoying because you can't do anything in parallel on the Internet when the TV in the living room streams Netflix. All other devices run in parallel without any problems.

Unfortunately, no solutions have been found so far… Is it perhaps related to the bandwidth? Or do you need a new TV for the living room…


How does the TV hang in the network - cable or Wi-Fi? Is there a prioritization for TV?


All devices are connected via WLAN, as there's no LAN connection possibility in the corresponding rooms. Devolo amplifiers are currently of no use. Are already out of service again. I don't know if there's a prioritization, I have to check the router. Should there be one?