Why does he stop writing to me, even though he wanted to get in touch before?


About 2 weeks ago I got to know a guy… We already knew each other from the lager we were only really entertained now, we met a few times, until we finally zsm were on a party of a mutual buddy and I afterwards stayed with him (slept together). The next day he drove me home early, but we met again in the evening. One day later I went on vacation, which is why we could do nothing. But he introduced me to his best friend and his family, wanted to meet my mom and he has repeatedly stressed that we have to meet when I'm back (he wanted to watch Netflix, cinema, etc.), and I think he said that he wants something serious (I'm not sure because I was a little drunk😬😅)

Well, now I'm on vacation for 2 weeks, in the first week we have always written, but now he is not writing me for 5 days (I wrote him last 5 days ago), and now I wonder if I slice him should or should not, or in a few days when I'm back home just spontaneously ask if we want to do something? 🤷🏽♀️

Or do you think it was just a one night stand?

I'm just desperate and would be happy about any answer


**** (have slept together) ****

Goal achieved…


Now you see how bad that is with the WhatsApp. How was that before? Since then you have not heard anything from each other. In the best case, the person who is on vacation has sent a postcard.

You can now think wildly or write to him or leave it. Maybe he has found someone who is more interesting to him. Maybe his phone is broken, maybe he has stress. One does not know.


Probably there were parties again during this time and he has towed the next one.


We did not know what it was. I would not write to him, he knows where to find him, should he be interested. Everything else would suit me, I think you went to bed with him relatively quickly anyway.


Enjoy your holiday and do not mind. When you're back and the suitcases are unpacked, you write "I'll be back." No more and no less. If he does not answer then that's it.