Netflix series suddenly very quiet for a short time?


Moin zsm.

Possibly. I'm just imagining it and that's why I'm asking here if you've ever "experienced" it. Sometimes it happens to me in a series like Vininks. That the sound becomes quieter than normal for a short time (a few seconds). And then normaö again.

Has this already happened to you?


This may be due to your TV and its settings. A e.g. Automatic volume control can be a cause of this.


Just checked is only on my phone. Could it be because of Doöby Atmos that is activated?


Do you have a Dolby Atmos system? If not, deactivate it. B. To send sound for the back-up, but since you only have stereo or only 5.1 / 7.1 nothing arrives.


So should I disable Dolby Atmos? What does that bring on the cell phone?

Ps: That because of the sound that gets quieter only happens on my S9 cell phone


So, I deactivated Dolby Atmos on my cell phone and lo and behold the sound "deviations" are gone.

To be on the safe side, I'm still testing the whole thing on an S7 which, as far as I know, does not yet support Dooby Atmos and on a television without Dolby Atmos.

The deviations were not there either.

Problem solved!

But I'm still interested, why is Dolby Atmos available on the cell phone when it causes such "problems"?!


Everything that regulates the sound can be "to blame" for it. But do you really need Dolby Atmos on your cell phone?


Dolby Atmos only works if you have enough speakers for it. This is usually a 5.1.2 or 7.1.2 system.
For example

Netflix series suddenly very quiet for a short time

So just deactivate Dolby Atmos on your cell phone and the tone fluctuations are gone.


It was really because of it. I don't know why I was wearing this. Is definitely deactivated and the tone fluctuations are gone.