Netflix anime subtitles bad?

- in Anime

I'm watching Attack on titan on Netflix but have noticed that the subtitle is different for another streaming service (Openload). Is the German subtitle bad at Netflix?


Can't really, because the anime at Openload u.a. Ribbed by Netflix and Anime-on-Demand, that is, stealing. ^^


He was written differently by whom, but that does not mean that he is bad. Probably only translated in other words or does the content not match?


The quality of subs is indeed varying. That's because different teams translate that. At Netflix sit there "professionals" turn and at other hosters, they are usually fan subs.


Can let you convince yourself. Look on after. Then you can compare it with that of Netflix


The series has been licensed for a long time, ergo no Fansubs should exist anymore since they took the one from Anime on Demand / Kazé.


Since I do not watch Ger Sub (eww), I do not have to differentiate there. ^^ And if, it's a Netflix setting. Serial Stream / Openload / whatever uses the Subs of Kazé.


I watch Netflix only with subtitles, because I can't make the sound so loud… And I do not think that there professionals sit. It is very mixed. Some have strong mistakes, even the opposite of what is said in the sound or concludes from the plot.
Is sometimes funny.


Somewhere in net krepeln determines one or the other stream with Fansub around.


That's why I put professionals in quotation marks xD German subs are generally pretty cruel in most cases. I'm not really Japanese, but from the phrases and syntax, I often can't conclude anything other than the Google translator was used.



But I was not referring to anime now, I almost never look at it.

I watch normal series and movies. The sound says one thing and the subtitle another. Is not now Gang and But much more often than my Blu-Rays.