Watch anime, just where?

- in Free

Anime is such a topic for me: I used to look at everything on "free" sites, caught several viruses and generally had no fun doing it on such a site.

Now I'm an adult, I make money and I hardly watch any anime anymore. I watched the ones that interested me and ran on Netflix / Prime, or I always watch something that happens, but the selection there's just not the best.

I've already tried Crunchyroll, but there's very little dubbed and although I don't mind watching anime in Japanese and reading subtitles, I often just want to watch something and not have to pay attention to the subtitles.

Which anime streaming services with a good selection of ger dub would you recommend?


Anime on Demand, I would say


Anime on Demand has many titles with German dubbing.

You can view the catalog here.


For GER Dub it is clearly Anime in Demand


Peppermint, Crunchyroll, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Animax, Proxer. There are already some xD


Unfortunately, Proxer is illegal.