Why are CDs / DVDs still being produced these days?


So in the times of Spotify and Netflix


I haven't bought CDs or DVDs in a long time, but there are still a lot of collectors around. Still there are records.


A physical copy is independent of internet connections. Even if the connection is not fast and stable enough, you can still access the copy, just as no provider or censor can restrict or log access. People also have a certain tendency to collect things, CDs and DVDs are ideal as collector's items.


As a child I grew up with cassettes and as a teenager with CDs (the mp3 players that were later only had 125mb or so). I collect CDs and I still buy CDs regularly today if I really like an artist.

For me, as a child of the time, it has a lot to do with the feel - I insert a CD and meanwhile leaf through the enclosed booklet (probably my mother, a "record child" would say something similar about records) there then something about the genesis, all the texts and acknowledgments - that interests me and that is something I've always known. I also notice that I know the old CDs by heart - one song ends and I automatically have the beginning of the next in my head. In the times of Spotify and Deezer, of course, I have a harder time doing it because it's easier to listen to something different than the one record that is just playing.

There are still many people who are not even 30 who buy enough CDs. There's a market that you don't want to let go of, of course.


Spotify and Netflix is like radio, it comes and goes and has no value, not even a personal one. If you stop paying rent, the music is gone again.


When i search for the films i like to watch on netflix or amazon, they just don't exist. It's the same with music. The range of streaming services is extremely limited.


OK? So the bands that are listening are there? And that's not exactly a few?!


Sure, there are some, but primarily the mainstream. As a result, the users of these platforms see and hear a lot of what is on offer and can't look beyond the horizon. ; )


So that Sabaton or OST + FRONT mainstream are net known to me?! 😉