Do you still buy DVDs / CDs?


Happy with justification (unless the justification is a Netflix / Spotify subscription).


I buy K-Pop albums, but not to listen to the CDs (I load them onto my cell phone separately), but to collect them (there are photo books, photo cards, sometimes posters and other extras in the albums).

With K-Pop albums it is often the case that there are several versions of an album. E.g. DYE from Got7 has five versions - five different colors & photo concepts. If you then e.g. If you have a double card or you haven't pulled the card from your bias, you can swap it with others (I've already done that)

I used to have a lot of DVDs, but I'm going to sell them, as well as CDs from musicians I've heard before.


Music CDs from my favorite albums, but not very often anymore, because then there are often nice covers and the sound quality is usually very good. DVDs only if there are no Blu-rays and the medium is also not available digitally.


Rather DVDs and mostly used.

I do not have my own TV and also no Netflix or similar. And then just access it.


Very rarely now. I mainly use Spotify Premium.

But I like to buy CDs from musicians who are not so well known to support them. CDs that I already own will not be given away.

I haven't bought DVDs in ages. No longer have a player at home. Now I'm not a huge film fan either. When I watch something, a stream also does.


I'm a big fan of Madonna and Ariana Grande. I don't have any posters or any merch, etc., but I like to collect CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays and even video tapes. The design of the individual sound carriers makes the music really interesting for me. When I buy a CD from Madonna or Ariana Grande, I always look at the design first. Here is an example of such a beautiful cover:

Do you still buy DVDs CDs

For me personally, this CD cover is a work of art. I love the combination with the black and the many shades of blue.

Another point why I buy such physical copies is that I like to own things that I like very much in the long run. Netflix and Spotify have to be paid monthly (something like rent). I only pay for the CD once and then it will be MY forever.

Of course, I don't buy the whole album from artists where I only like 1-2 songs. I usually listen to the music online. An example of this would be this song here:

I like the song very much, but that's about it. The other songs are not my taste of this person.

Conclusion: From artists / singers, where I know that I like all songs, I buy the CDs and DVDs. For artists where I only like a few songs, I use the streaming services.


I like to buy music video DVDs from my favorite singers.


I always buy the CDs first because of the design haha.


This is exactly why you buy & collect K-Pop albums. I have one of the three myself.


I can understand well, for a while I also wanted to have the music videos for my favorite performers.😉But sometimes I also choose the "Limited Edition" for a music album, in addition to the songs there are often videos as a nice encore.