Beastars season 2 start?


I found it on google

("Even before the second season of» BEASTARS «starts on Japanese television, Netflix announced today that it will be released worldwide on demand in July 2021. Further details, such as a specific date for the release, are still pending.

The second season starts in January 2021
The second season of "BEASTARS" is again being produced in the CGI studio Orange, which has already produced the first season of the series. The new opening song is titled »Kaibutsu« (Monster) and is contributed by the music duo YOASOBI. The Japanese TV launch is scheduled for January 6, 2021. ")

But today something like nothing came? Not even a trailer. If someone knows what's going on, I might have to wait until tonight.


Read the text again carefully.

It says that the new season starts on January 6th in JAPAN. And then in July 2021 worldwide (world = also Germany).

Text comprehension 404 …


The start on Japanese TV is on January 6th. In July it will be streamed to Netflix worldwide.


Yeah, I'm a little embarrassed now