Macbook for Computer Science?


My parents gave me a macbook air a few months ago. And now I will start my computer science studies in Bonn, so I wanted to know is a Macbook suitable? I only used it for netflix or for writing documents. I really do not know yet with macos. Does it mean heavier with a mac? Because of all the programs etc. Should I buy another one? And if so which would be cheap and good?


No, it works too. Would not be my first choice, but you can also easily work with a Mac in the study.


Must stop as Windows second operating system probably install. So a Surface Pro or something like that would probably be better.


Why are windows?


Not him, but at least here at university there are a few modules where you depend on Windows…

but the better choice for the rest would be Linux


For most things you will probably take it. For all else, universities have computer labs that have installed the appropriate items and are usable as long as nothing official takes place. I went through the entire study without any portable electronic device. (Apart from a simple phone)


Then you can still have windows on it for emergency or use the computer there.


What does computer science study mean? Which computer science. This is a huge area…

If it is for application development, a Mac should go too. System integration and electronics will be more difficult but should be done by detours. Most of us have a laptop with Linux. Since many Windows programs do not run. But thanks to open source, there are a lot of alternatives.

So I would definitely recommend a Linux laptop for you. Depending on which area another Linux.

Since you obviously have no idea about hardware, I assume that you want to study software development. There's also an Apple device. If you already have that now. I would buy something extra for many reasons but in no case


This is not a problem, a friend of mine also uses macOS for computer science studies. I will use Linux. There's everything and there you can take everything.