IPad with 32 GB enough to write books?


I'm thinking of writing a book and would like to do it on an iPad and with an extra keyboard, I think you know what I mean. But first I need an iPad and the normal one is available with 32 or 128 GB. But that also makes a big price difference and if it doesn't have to be, then of course I would choose the cheaper one, but what do you think? I would just use it for pages for the book, but also possibly ProCreate to paint the characters, but the focus is on writing, so do you prefer 32 or 128 GB? But after writing it, I would still like to use it privately for Netflix…


If you want to use it for other applications, that's probably better.


Thank you, I think you are right that it makes more sense.


If you want to write a book, at least get yourself a smart laptop or computer. Anyone who writes a book with an Ipad is completely lost.


You would regret 32 GB 100%.


Thank you very much.


I agree with you, but since I personally use Apple and would use Pages one way or another to write on an iPad or MacBook, that's relative and an iPad is significantly cheaper than an Apple laptop. Thanks anyway. Possibly. I think it over again and grab a computer, who knows.