I'm looking for a good tv with about 40 inches. He should have been able to record Netflix and Amazon Prime etc. And best still from Samsung and not over 700 euro.
Maybe this one? https://www.mediamarkt.de/...96076.html
Where the question is, why you do not have the three minutes you needed, ask the question to make your request just once google put?
At the China Market (aliexpress.com) there are a couple of models that will suit your criteria. You have to look around there.
But he has no recording function, as indicated: USB Recording ----- No.
I can't find a Samsung 40 inch with USB recording, but the Panasonic uses even more and twintunertechnik, for each reception path are two tuners built which allows the simultaneous viewing and recording of different channels
The same is the same but Ultra HD and more expensive