What should I do with my little sister?


I have the following situation:

I'm a 15 year old brother of an 8 year old sister and I have the following problem:

She is very, very naughty… Provokes all the time, does not make any effort for school, only follows her own needs (boss), …

I don't know what to do… She skips school (she's in pain at 8! We don't let that through, but that's certainly not a good thing) what can I do? She constantly provokes me and the other bigger sister and takes advantage of us: do one on nice; Take advantage of Netflix; and after doing something provocative, she runs out! I know that if nothing changes, it ends like this:

School tails / secondary school (should not speak against people there or other / bad character; personality. It is difficult for me to get across as it is: / It really is not a "little thing" that I over-dramatize…


How can you take advantage of Netflix? She behaves like any 8 year old brat.


Well you are not her father so there's not much you can do. I would change Netflix password and ignore it. Because the more you get upset, the more she has what she wanted.


Well, it was meant that she took advantage of me at that moment, slipped in and then I don't care…


That is what my parents say too. I have the feeling that the problem is getting bigger and bigger


School tails are currently difficult to achieve. And it is incapable of doing business. In addition, the parents should have an 8-year-old brat under control!


No, just ignore it. Close the door, do your thing, she wants you to get upset and wants your attention too. She has to learn to get your attention differently.


The fact that she is cheeky, her character is developing in a very bad direction unfortunately does not change anything…


It is a question of education and parents are responsible for it, not you!


It's the first and most helpful thing I've read. I've been doing this for about a year. Door closed and closed. It also happens that my mother orders me to give my iPad, my Netflix etc. Because she doesn't want to listen to it anymore. But I'm starting to think I can't do anything. It is really painful to see that your sister behaves like this, you mean well and want to make a man out of it. A 15 year old child will no longer influence the parents.


That is actually the job of the parents to prevent this. I think you are overwhelmed with this task.


Your mother doesn't feel like shouting and thinks that she asks you to give her the things, she is calm, unfortunately she doesn't know that she supports the behavior of the daughter through such a deal and I would tell her that. You all have to give your limits - but you all have to pull along.


Another answer that does not help, but makes it all the more clear to me that there's nothing I can do… Sometimes the child is even simply smarter? Thanks anyway! At least I don't have to hear what kind of parents I have here (whether it's true or not)


How cute… If your sister were 13 now and you were 16, I would say you were my son, laugh.

You are 15 and my son is 16. His sister is 13 and she is in the middle of puberty. So let me tell you one thing: it will be "different". This is just the beginning.

But not for you. It gets on your nerves, but it's actually none of your concern, it's your parents. And I'm sure your parents will know how to deal with it, even if you often don't see any success.

I clash with my 13-year-old witch on a daily basis and I have noticed myself that I have not been able to praise her for a few months, hug her or credibly tell her how much I love her. Because it goes from one extreme to the next.

And you also have to work on others, not just on the daughter or with you on the sister.

I z. B. Must work on me and start again to see and strengthen the good in her, to do more with her.

My son and she were just obnoxious until about 3-4 weeks ago. My son is a very quiet contemporary, has practically not had puberty (not yet), but he could have killed his sister several times a day and has certainly imagined it many times.

For a few weeks now, they have suddenly got along. Because he kept pulling back, because he kept distance from her and let me do it. It was certainly not easy for him, but he always followed my advice and had it done.

Now they can handle it. She walks up to him and asks him for advice. He sometimes helps her when she goes against me or tries to explain what is going wrong and she accepts it.

They need each other and that alone makes things a little quieter and easier (quickly tap 3 times on wood).

Let your parents do it. Did you ever tell them that you don't think they're going to get the upbringing? Probably not as direct, is it?

They are two, they can do it. They also got you.

Go to your sister in between and if she gets stupid, go. You offered it to her. At some point she will come back to you.

It is still "small". Wait a while and don't mess around with everything. Your parents will always notice themselves when they do something that they are not allowed to do. You don't have to do that.

You also don't know everything your parents do.

My son didn't know that either. Because if I had a relationship with his sister, then I was alone with her without noticing anything, because that was none of his business.

If he gave me something, I ignored it. But depending on what it was, be more careful and talk to my daughter accordingly. But always without my son. Because he's not the boss, it's me.

Incidentally, I'm a single parent with my children and sometimes he felt like he had to do the man in the house. And you have to make that clear to you big brothers. You are the big brothers, but not the bosses or fathers.

Everything will be fine, laugh.