First date - does he want more or not?


I (f, 22) just had a first date (with m, 26), but I'm kind of confused as to what he is after.

we were first playing billiards, then something to eat and then spontaneously with him and watched netflix. And just like that, it was smooched and physically a bit closer (no sex). There were real moments when he looked at me like that, caressed me or gave me a kiss on the forehead, when I thought that it could really be more. But then there were the moments where he was. Well, it gave me the feeling that he only wants one thing. And then there's the distance (50 km) and he has no car (right on the driver's license).


If he was and is sympathetic to you, you find him attractive and you have felt comfortable with him, then there's nothing to be said against meeting again. You will surely learn more about him then and you can still make further decisions. So if you find the contact exciting go ahead - that would be my idea.


Why do you go so far when you don't even know if he's serious? It's a headshot.


You can't say anything after the first date. If the chemistry is right, meet him again.

See what develops from it. At 26, he sure wants sex too. Actually normal too.

But when it comes to it you decide.

All the best


I would keep in touch, write more with each other, find out interests and similarities or maybe video chat, phone calls.

You may also find a list of pros and cons helpful. Find out more about his personality and character, then you will surely find it easier to find out how it fits or not.


Well… Chemistry is as important as biology!


After a date, nobody knows where it will lead. If you are afraid that he only wants one thing, don't get involved and you're done, you will quickly find out if he is seriously interested in you.

Get to know each other better first.


Thank you!


Thank you!


Thank you.


Thank you.


My pleasure!


Please have a nice Sunday