Why don't you leave me alone?


I was just about to watch Netflix when suddenly an egg landed on my window pane…

The window of my room faces the street directly. I didn't hear anyone running away and couldn't see anything because my desk lamp was on and the window was reflecting. But I guess it was a group of 17-18 year olds who always bullied me at school when I was little. They often come over here in the evening and call my nickname when they see me.

I never understood why they don't leave them alone, adults always say "don't pay attention to them then they stop" and I always do that, but still we haven't been to school for more than 5 years and still, whenever they do See me in the shop or at a wine festival, they don't stop.

Why not?


As I said, these are kids who want to have fun… Ignoring is actually the best thing you can do. Or you go to her parents. I don't think an ad will change anything. I'm very sorry for you.


Because they are absolute Asis
Because you don't really fight back


Of course, an advertisement helps


What if I have absolutely nothing to submit?


How exactly does "fight back" look like?


If you don't know yourself

I will not discuss it here.


Bullying and stalking are criminal offenses. If you have facts, report them.

You ask why they do this? Surely you gave them some cause and they've been enjoying it ever since.


I know. In elementary school they had a reason. Everyone there had a reason, but that was now, as I said, over five years ago and you might think that it would be good. I have matured, I now lead a relatively normal life. But they don't seem to be learning


Surveillance cameras maybe? Are not that expensive anymore. You can record it there and report it. At least on the property


Years of bullying have nothing to do with occasions, but with a desire for power, destructiveness, self-enhancement. Especially at school, children look for other people to finish them off, often just like that.


As long as you don't have evidence, you should ignore it as best you can, that is, internally.

And trying to see the perpetrators in action, then you have evidence. It's hard when you're at the window you don't see anyone or anyone, but you can't prove that they were too.


Bullying has nothing to do with cause - this absolute claim is untenable.

At first there's a reason - then it can become pleasure and exercise of power.


I went into this case. At work, it's often about bullying people out because you want to cut a job. That can be the occasion.

In the schoolyard there's often no other reason than that children want to rise above others, they often don't know any better.

For example, disabled people are still bullied. If that is a reason for you, for me it is not one that is to be looked for in the person of the bullied, but lies exclusively in the bullied.


I suspect a further discussion would be fruitless, whoever makes claims does not like to be convinced by other facts.

I end the discussion.


You make a claim, do not respond to my arguments, and end the discussion now, okay.

I think there could also be a misunderstanding about what the other person means exactly. But do what you think is right.

Anyway, I know it the way I describe it. And that's probably how the experts see it.



I think bullies are bullying, the reason is in them! External reasons are ultimately put forward. School is mostly about self-exaltation, power.


Whereby just not true, see my 2nd source. They live by what they see at home, they want to reduce stress or just exercise power. These are the causes that I know. Sometimes external reasons serve as a "reason".


Please don't blame yourself if you want to read yourself in, I have linked the following source in the comments, something is hidden, there are further links.


I think the number that I have linked can help to process what I have experienced and hopefully they will also have instructions for you.


Found another source:


But there are many more. Blame is often assigned by teachers and arguably more likely to support the bullied than to help the bullied. Of course, some have bullied parts, but often it's not because of them, but because of the environment…




From page 7:


It is clear that there are often external characteristics such as skin color, sexual orientation, superior or inferior social status, etc.

I hope I gave you an insight into the diversity of the topic. As I pointed out, facts are important to me! Subjective experiences are of course also a source, but for outsiders in this case rather unimportant, I think.

Whatever the occasion, it is clear that there are many reasons why perpetrators become perpetrators. Often they have nothing to do with the behavior of the bullied.


Are you sure you are the right person to answer questions like this?


Anyone who constantly emphasizes their own honesty and is found with a double account should be very careful with aggression - then there's always the complaint about how impossible everyone else is


Says the right one…


Lakota - obviously you care about escalating the situation again. Of course, I knew immediately who was behind the new Niyaha account - I never commented on you in order to avoid arguments. Please don't start again, otherwise I'll go on the offensive again!


Not bubbling around senselessly, right? Or do you still think that you and your true character have gone undetected?

You are the last person to answer bullying questions in the face of your own thoughts and actions.

And if you let the truths be erased again, it only shows that you want to avoid being recognized for who you are real. And believe me, Karma knows all the addresses. The tall horses have often fallen when their riders felt too safe.


Do you prefer Lakota or Nereid? I won't let you delete anything, you have long been known as a hater of people and not really sane.


Bullies are mindless contemporaries who see their purpose in life in putting themselves above others and are sure that they have the right to do so. In truth, these are people who do not put anything on the chain themselves and turn their inability to people who are mentally and characteristically far superior.

They are afraid, in truth they are often very small with a hat and compensate for their weaknesses with big words, but where there's nothing behind them.

Bullies feel most comfortable in a crowd. They need mutual sex in order to exist

Given these facts, make it clear to yourself that the victim is not YOU, but the bullies themselves.

YOU will go your way. Any stupid bully will fail. They think they can cover it up behind their sanctimonious facades, but life will catch up with them. And then things will get a bit turbulent.

And do you know what the beauty of it will be then? You will stand by and witness it. Karma knows all the addresses.

Wishing you all the best.

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