Nothing makes me more fun, no motivation to fulfill duties?


No matter what I do, nothing is fun, no matter if Netflix, gambling, reading, writing, chatting…

And I can't motivate myself to do the things I have to do - learning, going to lectures, sleeping, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, eating…

And when I do these things I need damn long - sometimes several hours in the bathroom. If I want to be in the university at 9 o'clock, I have to get up at 5 at the latest…

And getting up - I do not wake up in the morning and I can't get out of bed. In the meantime, I've put a lot of alarm clocks in several apps, loud, and in such a way that I have to solve complicated math tasks in the hope that this will boost my brain and wake me up.

But nothing helps…

What's wrong with me? What can I do? I can no longer fulfill my duties, do laundry, wash dishes, study, university, work…

And everything bores me, nothing is fun / joy, but if I do not do anything, it bores me too…

I just want to sleep, not be present, not be there, be unconscious… Sleep without a dream…


I think that's probably the depression has Rangeschlichen to you. Could be synonymous ne phase, but not synonymous.

Consult a therapist or psychologist. At one who not only listens but also gives advice and can give you possible solutions. Maybe you just need a holiday, or generally get away from your everyday life. For example, you can visit a station for a while…

And it does not hurt to think about it as it was before and what is different now. Could be yes that you find the trigger for it.


I also have very severe depression, it's a disease that you can't cure on your own, just as you could not take an appendix out by yourself when it's inflamed…

You will probably have no choice but to go to the doctor, it must be no depression, it may also be a hypothyroidism, or a D3 deficiency or something else entirely. But you will not come out alone.

The problem needs a name, even if you do not like the name, it's still better to have a name for it than not knowing what it is and continuing to suffer.

I have the problem that I could not even get up to go to the doctor, but without a name, everything makes no sense and eventually you wake up possibly in the intensive care unit and are cleaned by the carers, because they believe that you you do not deserve to be there.

I keep my fingers crossed that it is harmless and easy to eradicate.


Could be a depression (If necessary, look for therapeutic offers.) There are also a kind of university psychologist in many universities, which can be addressed in case of a problem with the study).

I especially noticed the term "duty fulfillment". If you try to fulfill external demands all the time, you can slip into such a kind of depression. In life, it's always about the question: What do you want eigtl? How do things feel for you? What is right for you?

At the moment you should just consider if there's something you either like to do (a hobby or something similar) or something that you are good at. One can't only fulfill the duty during the day.