Which Netflix series are most likely to meet your taste?


Which Netflix series are most likely to meet your taste?


Try "Unknown User 2" or "Truth or Dare". I do not know if these movies are on Netflix. You could push the trailer once you.


The OA surprised me positively. Actually, I'm not a fan of SciFi, but this series is awesome. Sense8 is also terrific.

Whatever I like (now from your list) are Stranger Things, CAOS and The Crown.


Sense8 is one of my favorite series. Too bad that Netflix was too expensive, I found the series unique and really nice from the recordings, the refreshing cast and the story


I also liked the OA very much. Somehow you do not know what you're getting into. I was fascinated and wanted to find out, of course, what's going on… Great series. Need to research again if another season is in planning.


A second season has actually been shot, only the release date is not quite clear. The shooting also took about 2 years, as Brit again plays Prairie and was again active as a scriptwriter.


Thanks for the information.