I'm looking for new leisure activities and interests - what can you recommend to me?


As the question says, I'm looking for new hobbies, leisure activities or in other words formulated productive interests that I can privately pursue

I want to discover new horizons and find new goals and aspirations.

What can you suggest to me? So far, do not find anything that I like.

At the moment I'm most intensively involved in a sport and usually only have leisure activities like doing business with friends, Netflix, etc.


We do not know what suits you. Just ask a few clubs in your area if you can take a look. Rifle Club, Modelflugverein, Tennisclub, …


My proposition…

Urban Gardening


Write stories.

Can be combined with the creation of RPG games. There are also maker tools and help forums in the net.

Create YouTube videos, e.g. With action cameras during the sport.